Welcome to Jinbang Yang's Homepage

Jinbang Yang(杨金榜)
School of Mathematical Sciences
University of Science and Technology of China
Hefei, Anhui 230026
People's Republic of China
E-mail: yjb(at)ustc.edu.cn
About me
I am a research professor at School of Mathematical Sciences of USTC . My experience:- 2021.03- present Research professor at USTC
- 2016.03-2021.03 Post Doc. at University of Mainz (mentor: Prof. Dr. Kang Zuo )
- 2009.09-2015.11 Ph.D. in Mathematics, USTC (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Yi Ouyang )
- 2005.09-2009.07 B.Sc. in Mathematics, Univesity of Jinan,
Research Interests
My research interest is Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry. Currently I am interested in the following subjects:- p-adic and arithmetic nonabelian Hodge theory.
- Theory of Higgs-de Rham flow, and its application on constructing motivic objects.
- Langlands program on function field and p-l companions.